About Us

Christ Forge Church

Christ Forge Church is a home church fellowship, farm, and ministry—all commanded by our King of Kings, Jesus Christ! Our mission is unyielding and eternal: to forge an army of warriors in the crucible of the Kingdom of God.

Statement of Faith

Christ Forge Church adheres to the ancient statements of faith (the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Creed of Chalcedon) and affirms the historic Christian faith as expressed in the five solas of the Reformation and the consensus of the historic Reformed confessions (Westminster Standards, Three Forms of Unity, and 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith). 

The Bible

The Bible, in its entirety, is the infallible, inerrant, and inspired Word of God; it is divine revelation that carries the full weight of God’s authority and to which we are obliged to submit. 

The Trinity

Within the Godhead there is a unity of three distinct yet fully divine persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; these three are one true, eternal God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory. 


God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth. God is fully omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, not given to learning or “openness.” 

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is truly God and truly man, having two natures inseparably united in one divine person without confusion, mixture, separation, or division. Each nature retains its own attributes. In the incarnation, Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a perfect life among us, was crucified, dead, and buried, rose on the third day, ascended to heaven, and will come again in glory and judgment. He is the only Mediator between God and man. 

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is of one substance with the Father and the Son. He eternally proceeds from the Father and the Son, and He dwells in the hearts of believers, effecting their regeneration monergistically and operating in their sanctification synergistically. 


God, by the word of His power, created from nothing the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. He further preserves and governs all His creatures and all their actions according to His most holy, wise, and powerful providence. 


After God made the other creatures, He created man, both male and female, in His own image, but because Adam sinned and woefully fell in his responsibility, he and his posterity entered into a state of moral corruption and moral inability and became estranged from their Creator, thus deserving death as the punishment for sin. 


Because all have sinned, atonement must be made in order for man to be reconciled to God. Jesus Christ made a complete atonement for His people through His substitutionary atoning death on the cross. He imputes His righteousness to all believers securing us full redemption for all who repent of their sin and trust in Him alone for salvation. 

The Law

The moral law perfectly reflects the unchangeable character of God and forever binds all people, believers as well as unbelievers. 

The Church

Christ has established a visible church, which is called to live in the power of the Holy Spirit under the regulation of the authority of Holy Scripture, preaching the gospel of Christ, administering the sacraments, and exercising discipline. 

Positive Speech: My Commitment to Build Up, Not Tear Down
Discover the transformative power of positive speech! This video features a personal testimony about overcoming negativity and committing to uplifting communication.  Learn how to cultivate positivity and build others up. #positiveaffirmations #motivationalspeaker #PositiveSpeech #PersonalTestimony #UpliftingCommunication #SpiritualGrowth #Motivation #PositiveVibes #Inspirational #SelfImprovement #FaithJourney #PositiveThinking

Positive Speech: My Commitment to Build Up, Not Tear Down
Discover the transformative power of positive speech! This video features a personal testimony about overcoming negativity and committing to uplifting communication. Learn how to cultivate positivity and build others up. #positiveaffirmations #motivationalspeaker #PositiveSpeech #PersonalTestimony #UpliftingCommunication #SpiritualGrowth #Motivation #PositiveVibes #Inspirational #SelfImprovement #FaithJourney #PositiveThinking

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Empowering Christian Warriors ⚔️ Join Our Mission! 🙏
Dive into our vibrant community at Christ Forged Church, where we develop fearless leaders through discipleship and biblical truth. Together, we forge a path of faith and purpose, training men and women to face challenges with strength! #ChristianWarriors #FaithJourney #Discipleship #StrengthInFaith #BiblicalTruth #ChristForgedChurch #Empowerment #WarriorsForChrist #ChristianCommunity #FaithAndPurpose

Empowering Christian Warriors ⚔️ Join Our Mission! 🙏
Dive into our vibrant community at Christ Forged Church, where we develop fearless leaders through discipleship and biblical truth. Together, we forge a path of faith and purpose, training men and women to face challenges with strength! #ChristianWarriors #FaithJourney #Discipleship #StrengthInFaith #BiblicalTruth #ChristForgedChurch #Empowerment #WarriorsForChrist #ChristianCommunity #FaithAndPurpose

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Purposeful Prayer: How to Pray with Gratitude
Learn the power of purposeful prayer! This video guides Christians on connecting with God through gratitude, repentance, and intercession.  Transform your prayer life from wish list to meaningful conversation. #PurposefulPrayer #ChristianPrayer #PrayerLife #SpiritualGrowth #Gratitude #Repentance #Intercession #FaithJourney #BibleStudy #God

Purposeful Prayer: How to Pray with Gratitude
Learn the power of purposeful prayer! This video guides Christians on connecting with God through gratitude, repentance, and intercession. Transform your prayer life from wish list to meaningful conversation. #PurposefulPrayer #ChristianPrayer #PrayerLife #SpiritualGrowth #Gratitude #Repentance #Intercession #FaithJourney #BibleStudy #God

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Happy Birthday to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May our focus today and every day be on you alone. #Christmas2024 #itsnotaboutsanta #jesusisborn #babyjesus #gotellitonthemountain #jesusbirthdaycake #christisking #christislord

Happy Birthday to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May our focus today and every day be on you alone. #Christmas2024 #itsnotaboutsanta #jesusisborn #babyjesus #gotellitonthemountain #jesusbirthdaycake #christisking #christislord ...

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I'm not sure it's possible to truly have this perspective until you've lived it. I know that I never appreciated those homemade gifts nearly enough until I became the one who willed them into existence with blood, sweat, and tears. Tagging a few of my favorite accounts who I think can relate and inspire me to keep going on those days that the hallelujahs are so hard-fought. @thegrazinglife @bethdeclercq @wilsonfamilyhomestead @ruthannzimm @vaughan_family_farm #homesteading #homesteadlife #homemadegifts #christmaspresents #simplegifts

I`m not sure it`s possible to truly have this perspective until you`ve lived it. I know that I never appreciated those homemade gifts nearly enough until I became the one who willed them into existence with blood, sweat, and tears. Tagging a few of my favorite accounts who I think can relate and inspire me to keep going on those days that the hallelujahs are so hard-fought. @thegrazinglife @bethdeclercq @wilsonfamilyhomestead @ruthannzimm @vaughan_family_farm #homesteading #homesteadlife #homemadegifts #christmaspresents #simplegifts ...

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The Power of Gratitude: Changing Perspectives on Life
Join us as we explore the transformative power of gratitude in our lives. From witnessing suffering around the world to recognizing our daily conveniences, we discuss how appreciation can reshape our outlook and foster deeper connections with others. Let's be grateful for what truly matters. #Gratitude #LifePerspective #Appreciation #Mindfulness #PersonalGrowth #TransformativePower #MentalHealth #Connection #PositiveThinking #Inspiration

The Power of Gratitude: Changing Perspectives on Life
Join us as we explore the transformative power of gratitude in our lives. From witnessing suffering around the world to recognizing our daily conveniences, we discuss how appreciation can reshape our outlook and foster deeper connections with others. Let`s be grateful for what truly matters. #Gratitude #LifePerspective #Appreciation #Mindfulness #PersonalGrowth #TransformativePower #MentalHealth #Connection #PositiveThinking #Inspiration

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Creating Lasting Memories: Saying Yes to Family Fun
Join us as we embrace the magic of snow days! We share heartfelt moments of laughter and connection with our family, reminding ourselves to cherish these blessings and prioritize joyful experiences over the mundane. Let's create unforgettable memories together! #FamilyFun #CherishMoments #CreatingMemories #SnowDay #FamilyBonding #JoyfulLiving #OutdoorPlay #QualityTime #SimpleJoys #Blessings

Creating Lasting Memories: Saying Yes to Family Fun
Join us as we embrace the magic of snow days! We share heartfelt moments of laughter and connection with our family, reminding ourselves to cherish these blessings and prioritize joyful experiences over the mundane. Let`s create unforgettable memories together! #FamilyFun #CherishMoments #CreatingMemories #SnowDay #FamilyBonding #JoyfulLiving #OutdoorPlay #QualityTime #SimpleJoys #Blessings

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